Health and sailing

Sailing is good for your health

Is sailing good for health?

There are many good reasons why you should sail. For some people, sailing is about experiencing new exotic places, new lands and anchoring in beautiful bays with white bounty beaches. Other people are motivated by the sailing itself, the speed across the wave all the while working on having to trim the sail to perfection.



Whether you are motivated by one or the other, sailing is equal to health. When sailing, the body is affected both physically and mentally.

No matter how or where you plan your sailing trip, it always requires a good deal of physical work while sailing. There are several activities during a sailing that you participate in and that physically affect your body in the good way. It may be that now you do not notice it right away. But while sailing, all that puppetry, trimming and hoisting of sails will strengthen your muscles and improve your agility and flexibility as well as your ability to coordinate and your ability to focus.

When you sail, you are also guaranteed a lot of good fresh air and quality time with your fellow sailors. In addition to the fresh air, you also could enjoy the sun or a swim in the water. In many places it is also possible to take a snorkeling trip and explore the sea.

e opportunity to enjoy the sun or a swim in the water. In many places it is also possible to take a snorkeling trip and explore the sea.

So, in addition to sailing being a huge benefit to your physical health, sailing also has a positive impact on your mental health. Being with others in a common occupation and a common activity gives one the feeling of happiness and cohesion.

When you are away for several days, you can either choose to go to port or you can anchor.

Most often there is more life and atmosphere if you choose to go to port. Here you can enjoy all the exciting local specialties. Or you can enjoy a quiet evening under the star of the sky if you anchor.

So the conclusion is, sailing is good for both body and soul. And all the experiences on board at the boat will make you feel being able to live life to the fullest.